If you no longer want to use your OnCrawl project with your Google Analytics or your Google Search Console data, you can disconnect your Google account. Here's how.
You must be signed in to your Google account.
This procedure will remove BOTH your Google Analytics and Google Search Console connections.
If you're interested in only removing one, disconnect both and then reconnect the access you are interested in keeping.
Step by Step
1- Go to your Google accounts page at https://myaccount.google.com/.
2- Under "Security", click on "Your connections to third-party apps and services".
3- Find "Oncrawl" in the list
4- In the section "Oncrawl has some access to your Google Account", click on "See details".
This displays all of the current connection information for OnCrawl:
5- Click the "Remove access" button and confirm the action by clicking "Confirm".
6- When you return to Oncrawl, open your project and click on "Add data sources" to access the area where you can manage connected accounts.
7- Switch to the "Google Analytics or "Google Search Console" tab. Then, click on the 3 dots next to the source you've just removed access for and then click on "Delete".
Re-connecting your account
If you disconnected your Google account by mistake, you can reconnect it following the instructions to connect a Google account.