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What is a project in Oncrawl and how to manage projects

Updated over a week ago

Oncrawl groups analyses into projects that help you organize your work.

When you first create an Oncrawl account, your first step will be to create a project that will save your settings, extra features, and analyses.

Reasons to create separate projects

There are many reasons you might want to use separate projects. Here are a few examples:

  • You want to share access to some data in Oncrawl, but not all your data in Oncrawl.

  • You want to analyze different websites.

  • You consider different parts of your website as different business units and want to separate those efforts.

  • You work in an agency or as a consultant and organize your work by billable project.

The project list

The project list is the first page you see when you log into Oncrawl. This page shows all of the projects in your workspace. It can be sorted by the date of the last crawl, or by project name.

Projects are only shown in the workspace they belong to. You might have access to additional projects that were shared with you. If that's the case, you will need to switch to a different workspace to see those shared projects.

Projects can be organized by cards in a Grid view:

Or as a List:

You can filter either view by project tags.

For each project, you have an overview:

  • The name of the project;

  • The project tags (see below);

  • Whether or not the project is archived;

  • The date of the last crawl;

  • The name of the crawl profile used for the last crawl.

Project tags

To make it easier to find and group projects, you can create Tags that can be attributed to projects.

Projects can have no tags, one tag, or multiple tags.

When you modify the label of a tag, that modification will show up on all of the projects that have the tag.

Tags can be used:

  • To track the main support representative for each project;

  • To visualize the name of the client for each project;

  • To indicate the project language;

  • To indicate the website for each project;

  • To indicate the invoice or reference number for each project;

  • ... and much more!

Project-level settings and features

Many features and settings are attributed to projects:

  • Validation

  • Log files

  • Connectors, including:

    • Google Search Console

    • Google Analytics

    • Piano Analytics (ex-AT Internet)

    • Majestic

  • Crawl profiles

  • Data Ingestion files

  • URL lists

  • Segmentations

  • Custom dashboards

  • Schedules crawls

  • Project sharing with other users

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