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Connect Majestic: Step-by-Step Guide

Integrate Majestic with Oncrawl for enriched backlink and crawl data, enhancing your SEO strategy with consolidated insights.

Updated over a year ago

How to add Majestic as a data source

From the project home page, click on Add data sources located next to the Tasks panel.

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Navigate to the Majestic tab and click on Add a data source.

This opens the Set up a Majestic data source window.

The first thing to do is create a connection with your Majestic Analytics account by clicking on Add connected app.

You will need to provide your SEO access token provided by Majestic as well as a name for this connection, such as "Oncrawl x Majestic".

ℹ️ A button is available in the interface to guide you to Majestic’s support in case you want further documentation about the Majestic connector.

Once this step is done, select the connected app you just created and provide a name for your data source. (This is the name you will see throughout the Oncrawl interface.)

Oncrawl/Majestic Cross-Analysis Setup

When setting up a crawl, in the crawl settings:

  1. Scroll down to the Analysis section.

  2. Click on the Backlink report tab to expand it.

  3. Tick the Enable off-page cross-data analysis box.

Now you will need to choose a data source:

  • If you have already linked to it using the method above, you can click on the Data source field to view a drop-down list of the known data sources. Select yours.

  • If your data source is not already listed in this menu, click on the Add a new source button. This opens a pop-up window that allows you to connect to your Majestic account outside of Oncrawl.

A message at the bottom of this section will confirm that our crawler has access to your data.

If there's a problem, we'll let you know here.

Now you can go ahead and launch your crawl.

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