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Link Dataset

Understanding the information collected by Oncrawl about a website's links

Updated over a week ago

The link dataset in the Data Explorer contains information about the links discovered during a crawl.

Information in the dataset

This dataset contains information about the link origin. The origin is the page on which the link was found, or the page that it links from.

It also contains information about the link target. The target is the page that the link points to.

This dataset also contains information about the link itself:

  • Anchor: the link's anchor text

  • Juice: a value representing the page importance within the website transmitted by the link. (This value is not cumulative.)

  • Target status code

  • Link category:

    • Internal: links to another page on the website

    • External: links to a page on a different website

    • Self-referencing: links to a location on the same URL

  • Rel attribute value allows the link to be followed:

    • Yes

    • No

Links to other datasets

The links dataset integrates shortcuts to other datasets, notably the pages dataset., using the menu available in the columns Origin: Full URL and Target: Full URL. These shortcuts provide a direct link to the Data Explorer with the appropriate OQL for the diffferent elements.

Below is an example of the shortcuts available for target URLs:

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