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Data Explorer Sorting and Filters
Data Explorer Sorting and Filters

You can sort and filter results directly in the Oncrawl Data Explorer. Here's how.

Updated over a week ago

The Data Explorer contains filter fields at the top of each column. You can sort and filter the results of your Oncrawl Query Language request directly in the Data Explorer.

How column sorting works

Click on a column heading to sort by that column. This will change the order the results are listed in, but will not change the number of results shown.

How column filters work

Type a filter in the field at the top of the column and press enter. Only the lines that match the filter will be shown. The other lines will be hidden from the results.

If a filtered column contains a column average or column sum, this value is affected by filters. Only the values that are visible after the filter is applied are taken into account.

Click on the X next to the filter to remove the column filter. You can filter multiple columns at once. To return to the results based on the Oncrawl Query Language, you must remove all of the column filters.

Filters for text columns

The following filters can be used in columns containing text:

  • hello (Lines that contain "hello")

  • hello world (Lines that contain both "hello" and "world")

  • hello NOT world (Lines that contain "hello" and do not contain "world")

  • NOT world (Lines that do not contain "world")

  • NOT hello NOT world (Lines that do not contain "hello" and do not contain "world")

Text filters are not case sensitive. This means that hello and Hello produce the same results.

Filters for numerical columns

The following filters can be used in columns containing only numbers:

  • != 1 (All values that do not equal 1)

  • = 1 (All values that equal 1)

  • > 1 (All values greater than 1)

  • < 1 (All values less than 1)

  • >= 1 (All values greater than or equal to 1)

  • <= 1 (All values less than or equal to 1)

  • 3...7 (All values from and including 3 and up to but less than 7 - requires two values)

Decimal values are accepted, and must use a dot (.) as a separator.

Filters for date columns

The following filters can be used in columns containing dates:

  • = 2018/06/30 (Dates that are equal to June 30th, 2018)

  • > 2018/06/30 (Dates after June 30th, 2018)

  • < 2018/06/30 (Dates before June 30th, 2018)

  • >= 2018/06/30 (Dates after and including June 30th, 2018)

  • <= 2018/06/30 (Dates up to and including June 30th, 2018)

  • 2018/06/30...2018/09/23 (Dates after and including June 30th, 2018 but before September 23rd, 2018 - requires two values)

Dates must be indicated as YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD.

Filters for date and time columns

The following filters can be used in columns containing timestamps (dates with times):

  • = 2018/06/30 13:00:00 (Timestamps that are equal to June 30th, 2018 at 1pm)

  • > 2018/06/30 13:00:00 (Timestamps after June 30th, 2018 at 1pm)

  • < 2018/06/30 13:00:00 (Timestamps before June 30th, 2018 at 1pm)

  • >= 2018/06/30 13:00:00 (Timestamps after and including June 30th, 2018 at 1pm)

  • <= 2018/06/30 13:00:00 (Timestamps up to and including June 30th, 2018 at 1pm)

  • 2018/06/30 13:00:00...2018/09/23 08:29:59 (Timestamps after and including June 30th, 2018 at 1pm but before September 23rd, 2018 at one second before 8:30am - requires two values)

Timestamps must be indicated as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.

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