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Getting Started with the Oncrawl API

Oncrawl is based on a platform built around an API. Create your own application to request this API very easily. Here's how to do it.

Updated over a week ago

The Oncrawl API can be used via two different methods:

  1. Using an API token generated by the user account.

  2. Using an OAuth application to connect to Oncrawl using the user's account.

Both methods access the same API and have the same rights and restrictions.

Using an API token

You will need to have a subscription that includes the Oncrawl API option.

From your workspace settings page, scroll down to the "API Access Tokens" section. Click on "View API Access Tokens" to see the list of tokens you have generated.

For each token, the list provides:

  • The token's description

  • The token's permissions:
    - account read: the application can display the user, its subscription, its quotas
    - account write: you can use the token to modify certain user properties
    - project read: you can use the token to list the user's projects / crawls
    - project write: you can use the token to create projects / start / remove crawls

  • The date the token was last used

  • The button "Delete" to permanently delete the token

You can create a new token by clicking on "Add API Token" at the bottom of the list and supplying the following information:

  • Token description: this name will help you identify the token later from the list of existing tokens

  • The token permissions:
    - account read: using the token, you can can display the user, its subscription, its quotas
    - account write: using the token, you can modify certain user properties
    - project read: using the token, you can list the user's projects / crawls
    - project write: using the token, you can create projects / start / remove crawls

Using an OAuth application

To have access to the Oncrawl API, you must first fill in this form to submit an OAuth2 application.

Form fields details:

  • Email: developer's email address, will be used to communicate about API evolutions, etc.

  • Application name: name displayed to users to identify the application and its usefulness quickly

  • Oncrawl username: name of the Oncrawl account submitting the application (must match the account name in Oncrawl)

  • Application description: text displayed to users to find out what this application is about when they allow access to their Oncrawl account

  • The URL of the application: the logo that has been used for the application. This logo must be accessible from any website and served in HTTPS. Our application displays the resource directly in the browser.

  • Default scopes
    account read: the application can display the user, its subscription, its quotas
    - account write: the application can modify certain user properties
    - project read: the application can list the user's projects / crawls
    - project write: the application can create projects / start / remove crawls

  • Redirect URLs: list of URLs to which the application can redirect the user (the redirect URL is passed by the application during the OAuth flow)

  • Default redirect URL: the default redirect URL is used when not specified by the application during OAuth flow.

If you need to remove API access granted to an OAuth application, you can do that from your account page. Scroll down to "OAuth applications" and click on "View OAuth Applications".  Then, click on the trash can to remove the API access for the application you no longer want to use.

Read the doc

The API documentation can be found at this address

Here you will find the essential information you need to start up your application.

We have taken care to detail key steps to follow in the implementation of your applications, use cases and details about each exchange parameters between your application and the API.

It provides both a reference documentation, a set of guides and code examples that will help you get started with Oncrawl API.

What is the OQL (Oncrawl Query Language)?

All API requests are expressed in our OQL.

This is an overlay of ElasticSearch for reporting / queries / live aggregations.

Contact : for API support

What metrics are in the API?

All Oncrawl metrics that are available in the Data Explorer interface are also accessible via the API: this includes crawl data, log file data, and cross-analysis data.

The Oncrawl API can also be used to create and modify crawl profiles, run and schedule crawls, and carry out other actions on your account to automate programmatically how you use Oncrawl.

Quick start tip

All Oncrawl charts include the API calls and the response format in the information about them.

Click on the information symbol that appears when you hover over a chart, then navigate to the "API calls" tab.

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