Oncrawl uses a fixed number of static IP addresses to craw websites.
If your website uses security measures to block malicious or unknown bots, you may need to greenlist the Oncrawl IP addresses in order to crawl your site.
We use the following IP addresses based in the EU (Belgium):
as well as the following US-based IP addresses:
By default, crawls use only the EU-based IP addresses. If your site requires a US-based crawl set-up, please contact us via the chat so that we can set that up for you.
This list of the IP addresses that Oncrawl uses to crawl your site is also available from within the platform.
Finding the list of of IP addresses used by Oncrawl
From the Workspace screen, click on Crawler IPs adresses section. This provides a list of all of Oncrawl's IP addresses.
You can copy all IPs in your clipboard by clicking on the Copy all IPs buttons.
You will need to add all of these IP addresses to your website's greenlist.